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Bowen Treatment Explained

The Bowen Technique is a remedial hands on therapy treating the whole person not just the presenting symptoms. Consisting of a sequence of gentle rolling moves with fingers or thumbs at precise points on the body over muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves and soft tissue, with frequent essential pauses between moves allowing the body time to absorb and respond to the gentle moves performed, and to make any changes needed to restore balance to the body and its systems. It is these features which make the Bowen Technique unique. Bowen is not massage and there are no oils/lotions so can be performed through light clothing. Suitable for all ages from new born to elderly.


Common presentations/conditions include; back/neck pain/restrictions, frozen shoulder ,tennis/golfers elbow, carpel tunnel, RSI, foot /ankle problems, knee problems, hamstring problems, menstrual/fertility problems, sciatica, migraine, IBS, digestive problems, infant colic, glue ear, asthma, muscle/joint pain/problems, kidney problems to name but a few.


For more information or to book an appointment call Melanie on 01379 890126 or  email

Book an appointment today and I will explain fully how the Bowen Technique will help you with your issues. All individuals are different and therefore response to the Bowen Technique may work immediately for some and slower for others, but most Clients experience a clear enhancement to their problem within days. 


I offer quiet surroundings - personal treatment and ensure your treatment is tailored to meet and help the specific problem you are suffering with. 

 Ring 01379 890126 or 07717886273 anytime 


 Alternativly email


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